Sunday 20 May 2012

Had a really weird insight into the future of mine and Natasha's friendship.

So, on the phone to my beautiful and fabulous friend Natasha - she's been really busy with volunteer interviews, meeting old friends from Italy who she hadn't seen for ages, catching up with her family, and her portfolio submission and presentations, as she does Visual Art at NUCA. Having a good ol' gasbag, and her sister, Laura, comes up to her as she's sitting in the living room.

I kid you not, this is how the conversation went:

[muffled, and away from the phone]
Laura: 'Natasha, I've got bad wind'

Natasha:'Aw you poor baby, are you okay?

Laura:[muffled and away from phone]'I can't poo, I can't wee, I can't sit down, it huuuuurts'

Natasha: 'Aw, baby, have you had any yoghurt?'

[by this point I've pulled the phone away from my mouth as I'm now doing a full body giggle].

Laura:'Yoghurts disgusting.'

Natasha: 'I'm just on the phone to my friend Kate, do you want to talk to her?'

[She hears me laughing]

Laura:'Why is she laughing?'

Natasha:'Oh, she's just laughing at something where she is. What are you laughing at, Kate?'

Kate: 'Umm, there's just something funny on your blog'.

[The sound of 7 year old Laura not being convinced.]

Kate: 'There is nothing funny here.'

I can imagine (imaggggine) us when we're in our 30s, balancing a Cath Kidston polka dot muffin, that was taken from a Cath Kidston polka dot biscuit tin, alongside a glass of finely squeezed orange juice, and a child that is either hungry/wants something/tired/bored/upset/all of the above, desperately attempting to yank any bits of hair/loose clothing in the bid to get attention!

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