Friday 18 May 2012

I havn't uploaded a photo of me for a while, so I thought you ought to know, this is what I look like now:

Out of shot there is a cereal bar, a cup of coffee, and a notepad.

The Awards Ceremony for Livewire1350 is tomorrow. Its big biz and very exciting. Me and the lovely lovely Alex Valentine have been working pretty much flat out for over 5 days, dodging exams, rehearsals, shifts at the Norwich + Norfolk Festival, filming, lunches, and reflective journal submission dates, to make it as exciting as an event can be, when organised under these circumstances.

I have shaved my legs. I'll pause for dramatic effect.

It was bit like doing some broad scale deforestation of The Amazon. I'm expecting a call from British Waterworks saying that they've had the biggest drain clog since they found a dead body in the pipes back in the '60s. Jeez Louise, you've never seen anything like it! I thought I was getting a bit podgy and don't quite have the muscles from Brussels that I know I'm reknowned for, but after doing that kind of conservation work I might need to call a vet because these swans are siiiiiiiiiiick (that joke needs me to do a GESTURE for it to work. But just laugh at the way you would normally at something funny, and I'll tell you about it when I see you next).

The busy crazy hour thing has come at a cost. I'm probably verging the level of obesity where they need to get a crane to lift me out of the window, and my room is probably growing some kind of highly developed cancer - killing fungus. (Mum - don't worry, my room is NOT mouldy, its a JOKE....a JOKE...ouch. I can imagine your non impressed face).

All in all this tells you nothing really about whats been going on, except that I'm doing that arrogant 'I'm doing lots' attitude thing. I'll stop doing that soon when it bites me up the bum (its already had a few good nips at my cheeks). But for now, sleep time, and then in the morning I'm waving bits of fabric and holding a dragon's head for 3 hours, then going on a mega pyscho organise everything of the century + veins popped out left, right and centre on my forehead. AND THEN I'll get dressed up and put me fake eyelashes, heels, lipstick (heres hoping I get better at applying it than I did today. HELLO KETCHUP MOUTH) and pretend that the whole event just 'FELL' together, whilst modelling my laugh on Scissor Sister's 'Take your Mama Out' song...Ha hahahahahahahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa.

'Gonna take your mama out all night
Yeah we'll show her what it's all about
We'll get her jacked up on some cheap champagne
We'll let the good times all roll out
And if the music ain't good, well it's just too bad
We're gonna sing along no matter what'.

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