Tuesday 3 April 2012

I walked 120,000 steps, and 60 miles, and came home to a hamster named Banquo.

So - get this. I don't just write banal posts about the essays that I havn't written/hate writing/am avoiding writing, but I also do long distance walks.

Well, I did a long distance walk. Past tense. There's no way that I'm still doing it now. Right now I'm fully installed into my pyjamas, chillin' with Mr Banquo - a friend's hamster I'm looking after (Sir Banquo to his inferiors, thank you very much) and I plan to write my 'Bucket list' today, skype with some lovely people, watch a movie, write some letters, read some stuff, have dinner with a friend, and generally CHILL OUT.

I keep on having flashbacks to the walk. In parts it was like being one of the fellowship from Lord of The Rings, and other times it was like being dropped into a vat of lava. There were some moments in the mid of this scale, but they were few and far between. I'll write about the highlights when the lowlights (uuur BLISTERS) have gone down and I start waxing lyrical about 'the journey' and 'finding so much out about the world, and myself'. But right now its all about the blisters and Banquo.

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