Sunday 29 April 2012

Letter to my past, present, and future selves.

Dear day dreamer,

Your hair looked really good yesterday, keep it up. Get better at lipstick application; go for more the look of sophisticated Parisian chic rather than overexcited 4 year old with playdough - there are better ways to be cute.

Stop doing things that make you feel like compost - these include drinking too much alchol, drinking too little water and not sleeping enough. Take care to eat well and find different ways to exercise. Step AROUND the puddles when you have holes in your shoes. Dance and sing in front of people whilst being confident at them. Keep telling, and finding funny 'Knock Knock' jokes. Believe that you can do languages and maths, and use them in your life - the world isn't an extension of school, so just because you got a bad grade in them doesn't mean a t'ing.

This is a big one in many ways, but find a way to not leave things to the last minute - friendships, deadlines, meetings. What you've done so far has worked on some occassions, and on the whole you're not the worst with time management, but time is so precious, so find better ways to value it. Don't give up the ghost when you're starting to feel slightly unsure, you're much better at this than you used to be, but really make an effort to give something your whole energy, right the way through. You never know where it may lead.

Keep on collecting the precious things, and editing out the things that don't matter so much. Work out what matters, hold on tight, and find different ways of showing you care. LISTEN hard and listen good to everyone and everything with a voice. Never believe that anyone is better than you, or that you're better than anyone else. Just believe some people are more suited, have a different skill set - there is no international grading system, and you're still not sure if there is anyone with the right authority who gets to award the gold star and take the register. We're talking about God here, and you're already aware that you're going to spend a lot of time looking around trying to work out how you feel about the bearded man in the cloud.

Trust. Love. Laugh. Listen. Find ways to make these small words a big part of your life. As Roald Dahl's Matilda says, 'Never do anything by halves if you can get away with it, go the whole hog'. Remember that the things that you think and dream about may even come true one day - even the really crazy stuff. You've seen so much sparkles, and you feel so much sparkles inside you, but sometimes it takes several waves of the wand before the magic happens(!) (also, never stop having a childish sense of perspective or humour; remember when you never understood how people grew up, I think you've already realised that the polished professionals are only kidding themselves when they make the distinction between child and adult). Every day look around in wonder of the world, and lap it up; you don't have long.

Love you, always x.

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